Dreaming Of Spring

We still have lots of snow on the ground but I couldn’t help but dream about Spring in my art journal lately…

I created this doodle from my imagination and memory of Nature with Micron pens:


Yesterday, I added watercolor.  I found this so relaxing!


It reminded me of this doodle I did last August, that you can find here.

So I started a new piece on the right.  I plan to doodle on top of the watercolor for this one!


How do you “branch” out to try something new in art?  I’d love to hear from you!

Cheers!  🙂

20 responses to “Dreaming Of Spring

  1. Great artwork, Jill! It’s hard tackling something new.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I see you have been experimenting with mixed media on IG, Catherine! 😄 Even though it isn’t easy trying something new, it can be so fun and it always leads me down a new path to explore. I am enjoying your explorations too! 💕🎨

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I like how you follow things where they lead…I tend to get stuck in grooves. Or I jump around without focusing. Too many ideas, not enough time. (K)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely spring sketches Jill 💜👍🏼

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Looks so fun and beautiful and relaxing!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I really, really LOVE your doodles, and you color and shade them like an expert! I had a look at the one with the seeds and pods; its absolutely delightful!
    I feel rather overwhelmed too: Me, the crafter who worked with fibers for so long, discovered drawing, painting with watercolors and gouache, collage, illustrating, bookmaking (btw your journal which I suppose is handmade is very beautiful too)…. Of course I want to be as good as my favorite artists in all of these fields. I get so excited about many inspiring pages, classes I find on the net, and often spend way too much time online….
    I start in one direction until I get lost in another one. I have never been as chaotic as I am now that I grow older, struggling very hard to find my way.
    I should work in a series. You write above that you give yourself little challenges! That seems like a good starting point….
    It feels so good if I manage to make room for a little daily art practice!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Suzanne for your kind comments!! ❤ I too struggle with focus as I get older… I used to be a beader/jewelry maker and then started taking Carla’s classes in 2013 and practically every class she has offered! 🎨👍 I think it is good to explore art and experiment trying new art mediums. I think eventually we find a direction or directions that bring us the most JOY and where we want to put our focus. I’ve tried to make a list of the art that I enJOY the most and do it every week or every two weeks. I think creating daily has helped me a great deal. I don’t have to finish a piece but just doing something – no matter how small, each day makes me feel complete. 😊


  6. This looks relaxing. Cute pieces. I love doodling. For me it’s almost a free-the-mind activity.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. lovely rhythm and flow in this Jill; plus, the other thing I noticed and just loved was when you painted …. you were Free.
    free to paint and go outside those lines!!!! I was so impressed. it made me SMILE! 🙂 loved it

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you so much Jill for your reply! I think that Fred’s talk today says it so well: We have to make lots of art and finally our own style will emerge! I have a journal too in which I collect art that makes me particularly happy! And it is so true that you have to enJOY what you do: If you like it, you do more of it and you will even like it more…..
    Have a great week Jill!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. You have the best doodles. These are so cheerful.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Pingback: Just Leaf It | Jill's Art Journal

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