Category Archives: ink

Engine Engine #9

I am still into jigsaw puzzles…

Here is the third one I did with butterflies:

It was more complicated with all the colors and took me longer than a week to complete.

Today’s weird bird is another puzzle!

A black and white one…

Engine Engine #9

Can you find the engine? And the #9’s? (Hint: There are several)

Engine, engine number nine

Coming down the railroad line…

Perhaps you remember this song written and recorded by the American country music artist, Roger Miller. The song was released in May 1965 according to Wikipedia.

If you get a chance, listen to Roger Miller sing his song on YouTube. It may bring a smile to your face as it did mine! The lyrics are a hoot!

Happy Weird Bird Wednesday!

Cheers! 🙂

Smitten With Mittens

It is snowing buckets today in the Pacific Northwest where I live.

Imagine my surprise when I looked out my window and saw…

A flock of weird birds smitten with mittens!

Happy Weird Bird Wednesday!!

Cheers! 🙂

A Pajama Party

You have heard of a cat’s pajamas, right?

Why not a bird’s pajamas?!

I got ideas from this book for their outfits:

What animal would YOU invite to a pajama party?

Happy Weird Bird Wednesday!

Cheers! 🙂

A Carnival Ride

My mark making has the feel of being on a carnival ride…

I started this doodle over a month ago and just finished it Saturday:

I used Micron pens and a new set of Uni-ball fineliner drawing pens.

Perhaps it influenced this one in my sketchbook with Copic Markers and Micron pens:

And the bright colors of watercolor, Neocolor crayons and Copic Markers in this one, definitely make me feel like having some cotton candy! Lol!

Sometimes life can feel a little like a carnival ride with its unexpected twists and turns.

I find creating marks and patterns quiets my mind and helps me tune out life’s stressful times.

Peace be with you! 🙂


Learning To Fly…

Learning to fly..

Is never easy!

A silly little drawing to give you a smile today!

Happy Weird Bird Wednesday!

Cheers! 🙂

Illustrated Recipes

I’m enjoying the assignments for Carla Sonheim’s year-long class, Words and Pictures.

This assignment was especially fun because I enjoy cooking. 🙂

My hubby helped me make this recipe in the crock pot last week since I get tired standing fairly quickly with my hip. I cooked it on low for 8 hours.

We made it without the wine and just added more broth. It was really delish!

For the second recipe, I experimented with tissue paper and gelli-printed papers. Plus, a few other scraps of purchased paper:

I look forward to Spring and fresh rhubarb in my yard so I can make this recipe.

Do you have a favorite recipe you like to make in the Spring? I’d love to hear about it!

Cheers! 🙂

Waiting Game

I have been preparing for a total hip replacement surgery on my right hip in less than 2 weeks…

Making extra meals for the freezer and creating easy recipes for my hubby. I am trying to tidy up the house too. 😉

It feels like a waiting game so in order to relax I have been doing more doodling:

I started each one with Copic Markers:

Adding black Micron pen on top:

It has been fun experimenting with color and patterns. I will make copies and use these patterns in my collages.

What do YOU do to pass time when you are waiting?

Cheers! 🙂

P.S. I will be taking a short blogging break and posting only on Instagram for awhile. You can find me at art_jill_kuhn on Instagram.

Top 10 Snacks

Are you buying your favorite snacks for Super Bowl Sunday?

Here are the Top 10 Snacks for backyard birds across North America in winter according to

Mealworms anyone?! Lol!

Happy Weird Bird Wednesday!

Cheers! 🙂


I finished my beetle doodle that I started recently. I enjoyed working on it in the evenings.

I enjoyed adding gold ink in addition to black ink:

I started another story in my art journal. Perhaps you remember; Meet Linda and Bob – Part 2

This one is earmarked for more word play! I am using a thesaurus for my story prompts this time.

I plan to show my completed journal page this Friday… I hope you will earmark this post!

Cheers! 🙂

A Beetle Doodle

I have been sorting through closets and cupboards in my home this past weekend.

It feels good to get things better organized. I have discovered that I have too many hobbies however… and I need to get rid of a few as they are cluttering my mind.

Any suggestions? How do YOU get rid of art supplies you are no longer using?

In the evenings, I have been working on a beetle doodle:

I am using gold pen in addition to black ink. I noticed that REAL beetles tend to have an iridescent shine.

I cannot remember ever working on a symmetrical pattern. It is a bit more challenging. 😉

What did YOU do this past weekend? I hope you share it with me.

Cheers! 🙂

P.S. I will show you my finished beetle doodle when it is complete!