Tag Archives: color

The Conservatory

There is a wonderful conservatory where I live…

Winter season with its gray skies and cold days had me seeking green plants and COLOR last weekend.

I took over 100 photos but don’t worry, I will only show you a few!

I thought this sweet flower was an orchid but it is not…

It is a Bleeding Heart Vine. I had never heard of it, have you?

Of course there were some lovely orchids:

I like looking at the flowers but also the shapes, patterns, colors and textures of the plants themselves and the ones next to them.

The above pink flower is a Flamingo-Lily.

And I’m sure you recognize this flower!

Yes, it is the Bird of Paradise, also called the Crane Flower.

I loved the textures and color of this Urn Plant or Fendler Bromeliad:

And loving the bright green of the Coleus next to the red:

There were a few Tulips and Daffodils in pots in anticipation of Spring:

The Conservatory also had some interesting cactus but I will save those photos for another day!

One last photo for today, just look at the colors and different shapes!

I hope these photos encourage you to take a minute to notice nature around you today.

Cheers! 😃

P.S. I will show you my progress on my Priest Lake Sampler painting next week!

Waiting Game

I have been preparing for a total hip replacement surgery on my right hip in less than 2 weeks…

Making extra meals for the freezer and creating easy recipes for my hubby. I am trying to tidy up the house too. 😉

It feels like a waiting game so in order to relax I have been doing more doodling:

I started each one with Copic Markers:

Adding black Micron pen on top:

It has been fun experimenting with color and patterns. I will make copies and use these patterns in my collages.

What do YOU do to pass time when you are waiting?

Cheers! 🙂

P.S. I will be taking a short blogging break and posting only on Instagram for awhile. You can find me at art_jill_kuhn on Instagram.

Pretty In Pink

I enjoy going to different garden stores and seeing what unusual flowers they have for sale like this pretty in pink peony:


Last week, I splurged and took home a little something for me! 😉

I adored this pretty in pink petunias and verbena hanging flower basket:


It adds a lovely pink color to my backyard perennials, don’t you think?


I love all color… Lately, I am in love with all flowers in pink!

What color of flower attracts you in a garden?  I hope you share it with me!

Cheers! 🙂

Smart Picks…

I promised to show you a project using my collaged color wheels from last week:  A Slice of Color, Please!

I was looking through a magazine and these smart picks showed up while making this silly collage:


Did you know that peas contain a type of antioxidant that may protect against inflammatory-related diseases?

After making this collage, I had peas for dinner last night! Lol!

Pass the peas, please!

Cheers! 🙂

Gelli-Plate Prints

Many of you know how much I LOVE to print with my Gelli-Plate!

When Carla Sonheim announced that she was going to teach a NEW online class on How to use more of your Gelli-Plate, I immediately signed up!  🙂

The class starts today, so if you want to learn more about it, check out her online class at CarlaSonheim.com

I’d been wanting to purchase the larger 9 x 12 inch size Gelli-Plate so I splurged when Dick Blick Art Supplies was having a recent sale.


I decided to do a test drive (so to speak) of my new Gelli-Plate so I made these prints using Golden fluid acrylic paints, stencils, leaves and household items:

I have A LOT more prints but these were a few of my favorites.

Which one do you like best?

Cheers! 🙂

A Poke In The Eye

Somehow I irritated my right eye…

I don’t know if I got something in it or if I scratched my eyeball.  I’m going to an eye doctor this morning to find out.

It just reminds me how wonderful it is to SEE colors and EVERYTHING!  I am so blessed.

I’m very excited about this new online class I just started, hosted by Carla Sonheim – go to CarlaSonheim.com to learn more about the online art classes she offers.

The name of this class is The College Techniques of Anne Marie Grgich.

Check out Anne Marie’s art on Pinterest  if you’d like to see her AMAZING detailed collages!

I found a few more books at a different thrift store yesterday to add to my collection and I got the Senior Discount!  Yes, there is a plus to being 55 years old and older! Lol! 🤣


I figure what images I don’t use in collage, I could use as references to paint! ☺️

Sorry to report, I did not see any Nancy Drew mystery books at this store but I did find a great book on container gardening for only $1.00 – YAY!

Anne Marie Grgich’s collages are very detailed with MANY layers of images.  One of the things that inspired me to take this class was to learn how to create more transparent layers in my own collages.  Plus, what a bonus to watch videos of another artist’s process!  I’m learning so much and the class has just started!

So back to the process of cutting and sorting images by color for this class…


It is much more fun than a poke in the eye!

Cheers! 🙂

Letter “W” Is For…

WOWZA!!  The weekend is here!!

I hope your week has stacked up to be wonderful! 


I did this wacky still life of coffee cups in watercolor – paints, pencils and markers.

I have enjoyed sharing some wild fun this week on my blog!  Thank you for all your comments, I appreciate them so much! And thanks for taking a look at the blogs I shared with you.  There are waaaay more, so watch for future posts!

I have decided to take a week off from blogging to do a little Spring cleaning… Whoa!  :-0  Yes, I haven’t totally lost my mind… but I am feeling like I need to have a little time to catch up.  😉

I hope to keep creating art but will be posting only on Instagram as art_jill_kuhn

Wishing you a wonderful week!

Cheers! 🙂

Letter “S” Is For…

Spring!!  Can you hear the earth sing?! 

I was excited to see these tender green sprouts of chives making an appearance yesterday…


And my lilies can hardly wait for more sunshine so they can stretch out tender stems from a long, cold winter…


Rhubarb is seriously stunning in color and texture, wouldn’t you agree?  I can almost taste the Strawberry-Rhubarb Crisp!  Yum!


And what about this shiny green moss?  It seems to have found a place to grow between these walkway stones!


I can see a bird head, how about you?  😉

Be sure to check out Ali’s blog, The Mindful Gardner

I can almost smell each flower’s scent in Ali’s photos and descriptions!  Her passion for gardening is like a sprouting seed after a long cold winter…

Cheers! 🙂

Two Lips

If you were to describe Spring with two lips … I mean colors, what two colors would you choose?


I’d choose Prismacolor Pencils; Spring Green and Rose pink…


How about you?

What art medium and name describe the colors best for you?

Happy Spring!  (Wishful thinking…)

Cheers! 🙂 🌷

A Favorite Art Supply

Do you have a favorite ART supply?  I love my Prismacolor Pencils!


I created this page in my art journal that I showed you in yesterday’s post.

Dick Blick was offering a fabulous sale on the Prismacolor Pencils so I splurged! 🙂

I have MANY art supplies that I like but these color pencils are something I use often in combination with other art mediums such as watercolor.

I think they are one of my favorites because of their creamy, soft leads and they come in MANY colors! ❤️

Do you have a favorite art supply?  I hope you tell me about it!

Cheers! 🙂