Category Archives: imaginary drawings

A Scribble Bird

I learned this technique from Carla Sonheim.

You start with a scribble…

And then you try to find something to create out of it. It kind of looks like a bunny, doesn’t it?

Of course I found a weird bird in it!

I added a few more lines to create my Scribble bird. Next, I colored it with Copic markers:

Then added color pencils and pencil shading:

Here is a mouse I did previously in my art journal:

I challenge you to find an animal or bird in a simple scribble!

Happy Weird Bird Wednesday!

Cheers! 🙂

A Snowbird?

During a recent snow storm…

A weird bird of a different flock showed up…

A Snowbird!

Not the typical snowbird that goes to warmer weather during the winter…

It was a good day to complete another jigsaw puzzle:

Happy Weird Bird Wednesday!

Stay warm! 😃

Engine Engine #9

I am still into jigsaw puzzles…

Here is the third one I did with butterflies:

It was more complicated with all the colors and took me longer than a week to complete.

Today’s weird bird is another puzzle!

A black and white one…

Engine Engine #9

Can you find the engine? And the #9’s? (Hint: There are several)

Engine, engine number nine

Coming down the railroad line…

Perhaps you remember this song written and recorded by the American country music artist, Roger Miller. The song was released in May 1965 according to Wikipedia.

If you get a chance, listen to Roger Miller sing his song on YouTube. It may bring a smile to your face as it did mine! The lyrics are a hoot!

Happy Weird Bird Wednesday!

Cheers! 🙂

A Puzzler

Did you know that January is national puzzle month?

I have completed one 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle with Happy Buttons:

And I am working on a second one with Houseplants:

Sometimes my weird birds start out like a puzzle:

I started this trio in watercolor. Then I added a little paper collage:

Next, some details with color pencils:

And finished with pencil shading:

What kind of puzzles do YOU like to work on?

Happy Weird Bird Wednesday!

Cheers! 🙂

Smitten With Mittens

It is snowing buckets today in the Pacific Northwest where I live.

Imagine my surprise when I looked out my window and saw…

A flock of weird birds smitten with mittens!

Happy Weird Bird Wednesday!!

Cheers! 🙂

Jingle Jangle

Two little birds flew in to jingle jangle their bells last night…

Hoping your holidays are a delight!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Friends!

Cheers! 🙂

A Moose Goose?

This weird bird flew out of my imagination!

I started with an eyes closed drawing and discovered what looked to me like a moose! So I added a little collage:

A blue Moose Goose is on the loose!

I hope this silly bird gives you a smile today!

Happy Weird Bird Wednesday!

Cheers! 🙂

Glow Worm

Last Friday, I showed you the beginning of this journal page:

I added a drawing of a weird looking bug and then discovered the dictionary definition for a Glow Worm on my page.I decided to explore this idea further.

Next, I added some acrylic paint and colored part of my bug with Tombow markers:

I added some interesting facts about a Glow Worm to my page and finished coloring my “beetle” wearing a hat… why not! 😉

I enjoyed learning something new while playing in my art journal.

Cheers! 🙂

P.S. I have decided to blog 1-2 days a week. I will be posting on Mondays and possibly Wednesday. I will be posting more on Instagram where you can find me at art_jill_kuhn


There once was a bird named Rosie,

Who liked to pick pink posies,

Rose glasses she wore…

Leg bangles galore,

She even colored her toe-sies!

I haven’t done a Limerick in awhile… I hope Rosie gives you a smile today!

Happy Weird Bird Wednesday!

Cheers! 🙂

Walking Stick

I recently discovered the imaginative art of Stefan G Bucher.

Stefan drew a daily monster for years. If you’d like to see some of his art, he has a couple of YouTube videos. Google his name to find them. His art is also on Instagram.

His method of creating monsters with ink and a compressed can of air inspired my Walking Stick:

Did you know that Walking Stick insects are also known as stick insects, stick bugs or bug sticks?

My insect is a little on the strange side but that makes it all the more interesting to me!

Happy Creating!

Cheers! 🙂